There are 7 items matching your search.
Austria — HandbooksAustrian P.T.T. 100 JAHRE OSTERREICHISCHE BRIEFMARKE. Published 1950. HB. 100 p. 20 quality plates, (4 color) showing stamps. Articles commemorating 100 years of the Austrian Postal Service. In German. Small binding flaws.Literature #978 | Price: $15.00 | Your Price: $12.00 Qty: 1Qty: 2Qty: 3Qty: 4
British Empire — HandbooksChapman, Kenneth. CORONATION OF QUEEN ELIZABETH II. Published 1953. HB. 91 pages. Comb. By issuing country, a 6 1/4"x8 1/2" album with a complete set of the 140 stamps in the omnibus issue. Gold stamping on red cover. The album is intact, pages unmarked. All stamps appear to be f-vf and sound..Literature #15465 | Price: $150.00 | Your Price: $120.00 Qty: 1
Austria — HandbooksFeuchtmuller, Rupert. KLEINE KUNSTGESCHICHTE DER OSTERREICHISCHEN BRIEFMARKE 1850-1938. Published 1967. HB. 67p. Illus. Art and artists connected with Austrian stamps. In German.Literature #13553 | Price: $10.00 | Your Price: $8.00 Qty: 1
British Empire — HandbooksKenMore Stamp Company. STAMPS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE CORONATION ISSUE. Published 1937. Comb. 42 pages. By issuing country, a 5 1/4"x7" album with a complete set of the 204 stamps in the omnibus issue. Gold stamping on red cover. The album is intact, pages unmarked. All stamps appear to be f-vf and sound..Literature #15464 | Price: $250.00 | Your Price: $200.00 Qty: 1
Austria — HandbooksNeuwirth, W. KLEINE KUNSTGESCHICHTE DER OSTERREICHISCHEN BRIEFMARKE 1945-1968. Published 1968. 143 p. Illus. Stamp issues of the period with comments on design & production. Incs 9 stamps on printed sheet. In German.Literature #9989 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00 Qty: 1
Greece — HandbooksPostzegelvereniging Griekenland. GREECE - A COLLECTION OF FORGERIES. Published 1993. 2nd edition. LL/4-hole punched. 2nd edition. 33 p. Illus, many enlarged. Shows stamp and cover forgeries, each with extensive notes on identification. Publication #4.Literature #15041 | Price: $50.00 | Your Price: $40.00 Qty: 1
British Empire — HandbooksVallancey Press. SILVER JUBILEE STAMPS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 1935. Published 1935. HB. A 5 3/4"x7" album with by country spaces for the stamps of all issuing countries. Produced by The Vallancey Press Ltd. There are no stamps in the album. The silver on blue binding is intact, the pages are unmarked except by hinge remnants where stamps were mounted, The spine is faded, however the spine came without printing. The inside title page has a scuff that affects the "SILVER JUBILEE" portion of the text..Literature #15463 | Price: $75.00 | Your Price: $60.00 Qty: 1