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There are 2 items matching your search.

British Europe — Handbooks
Lowe, Robson. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS, VOL 1, GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EMPIRE IN EUROPE. Published 1947. 1st edition. HB. 296 p. Thousands of illus. Eight chapters with 50+ sections cover all areas of interest.
Literature #1865 | Price: $25.00 | Your Price: $20.00

British Europe — Handbooks
Lowe, Robson. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF BRITISH EMPIRE POSTAGE STAMPS, VOL 1, GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EMPIRE IN EUROPE. Published 1947. 1948 reprint edition. HB. 296 p. The March 1948 reprint corrections to the Jan. 1948 first edition. Thousands of illus. Eight chapters with 50+ sections cover all aspects of the area.
Literature #13517 | Price: $30.00 | Your Price: $24.00