Abbreviations & Markings
Postal History Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in the descriptions of Postal History items. Many of the abbreviations and other marking descriptions are as used in The American Stampless Cover Catalog, the standard reference catalog of American Stampless Postal History.
cvr... |
cover |
ctr... |
center |
rt... |
right |
ul... |
upper left |
ur... |
upper right |
lr... |
lower right |
ll... |
lower left |
oval... |
oval |
do... |
double oval |
dlo... |
double outer line oval |
dldo... |
double line double oval |
s/l... |
straight line |
arc... |
arc or semi-circle |
box... |
single line box or rectangle |
circle... |
circle |
dc... |
double circle |
dlc... |
double outer line circle |
dldc... |
double line double circle |
nor... |
circle with no outer rim |
b/s... |
backstamp |
hstp... |
handstamp |
ms... |
manuscript |
md... |
month date only |
mdd... |
month and day date |
ymdd... |
year, month and day date |
inc... |
includes |
pmk... |
postmark |
*... |
star |
/... |
beginning of new line |
/w... |
with |
eku... |
earliest known use |
lku... |
latest known use |
fls... |
folded letter sheet |
w/o... |
without |
Postal History Marking Descriptions
These conditions and other marking descriptions are as used in The American Stampless Cover Catalog, the standard reference catalog of American Stampless Postal History. Postal History 100 or more years old normally may be expected to display signs of wear, including light edge wear, and in the case of folded letters, file folds or refolds.
Factors which affect the postal markings are noted. Back faults are not noted except where they affect postal markings or are extensive in nature.

Very Fine (VF)


Very Good (VG)
Stamp Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in the descriptions of Stamps.
- NH. Never Hinged. No hinge marks, original gum as supplied from the printer.
- VLH. Very Light Hinge. Small evidence of a former hinge, no trace of a hinge remnant.
- LH. Light Hinge. An area on the gum where a hinge removal may be seen. There could be very small pieces of a hinge remnant visible.
- HR. Hinge Remnant. A large piece of a hinge is visible. The hinge remnant may cause buckling of the stamp paper.
- OG. Original Gum. The stamp will have full original gum that shows a good amount of disturbance from hinge removal. Hinge remnants may also remain.
- RG. Regummed. A stamp which has been altered by the addition of gum not original to the stamp.
- NG. No Gum. A stamp without gum or a stamp that was issued without gum. This will be explained in the individual stamp description.
- Flaws that affect the value of a stamp will be noted in individual stamp descriptions.
Literature Abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in the descriptions of Literature items.
HB... |
Hardbound |
LL... |
Looseleaf |
CVR... |
Cover |
CPW... |
Colored Paper Wrapper |
VOL... |
Volume |
SB... |
Softbound |
ILLUS... |
Illustrated |
INC... |
Includes |
P... |
Page(s) |
P/R... |
Prices Realized |
SPB... |
Spiral Bound |
CC... |
Card Cover |
ED... |
Edition |
PUB... |
Published |