United States & Worldwide Postal History

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There are 5 items matching your search.

United States. CT. Danbury, CT. Fairfield Co. (open 1785+). Dated 1911/07/14. Oxford, England cds ties 1p King on post card. "Not on Route..." handstamp on the card that eventually went to Waterbury.
Cover #87864 | Price: $10.00
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United States. CT. Danbury, CT. Fairfield Co. (open 1785+). Dated 1915/01/23. Duplex "1" cancels tie Scott 462 vertical strip of 3 on U411 entire to Australia with censor tape at left. Reverse with 9 March Sydney machine cancel.
Cover #83733 | Price: $40.00
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United States. CT. Danbury, CT. Fairfield Co. (open 1785+). Dated 1924/03/01. VF machine ties vf 2c (#610) on cvr/w blue illus bldg of "The Danbury News.".
Cover #27678 | Price: $10.00
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United States. CT. Danbury, CT. Fairfield Co. Dated 1936/12/12. Duplex cancel ties 3c (#778) & 1c Yosemite on special delivery cover. New York 12 Dec. cds tie 3 post office seals (#OX21) over cover tears`` .
Cover #92077 | Price: $20.00
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United States. CT. Danbury, CT. Fairfield Co. (open 1785+). Dated 1942/12/17. Fine machine ties 3c Win The War (#905) on cvr/w illus Hotel Green.
Cover #67557 | Price: $10.00
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